adhin karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. - (Woman is subject of the sentence) This woman has taken a lover, married 2. - What material is used, subject to a narrative 3. (Section 89 of the 1958 Constitution provides that the republican form of government can not be subject to revision 4. (The one) who is in charge of a trust or is subject to a trust 5. ) a subject

Given are the examples of hindi word adhin karana usage in english sentences. The examples of adhin karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., subject.

Over a period of time, it has grown into a dynamic subject with its own special characteristics.

The subject of management is taught at different institutions.
This, in fact, is the subject matter of the study of individual differences.
ndividual tests require the test administrator to establish a rapport with the subject and be sensitive to her/his feelings, moods and expressions during the testing session.
n this test, the subject examines an incomplete pattern and chooses a figure from the alternatives that will complete the pattern.
The subject is asked to arrange the blocks within a time period to produce a given design.
We must remember that the subject under study has a particular historical context.
Macroeconomics emerged as a separate subject in the 1930s due to Keynes.
Some communications may have certain assumptions which are subject to different interpretations.
The subject I knew most about was the insect work I d been doing in the past several years.
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